Friday, June 25, 2010


You didn't think I was going home after New York, did you? Oh, no, there was one more leg! AnimeNext was at the end of my trip. Although I wasn't at the Artist Alley, and I wasn't cosplaying (the first con I've been to in a LONG while where I didn't), it was the only con I was going to make it to this summer, so I was eager to see people!

It was a bit of a mess getting out- I had to ship 26 pounds(!!!!) of books home! There was no way I would've made weight limit keeping them with me, much less zipping it closed! So off they went! I wrestled my baggage to Penn Station to take the train to New Brunswick Station- I got there in the nick of time, and had to stand most of the train ride, but all was well! I made it to the con in one piece and quickly got registered and on my way.

The first thing I did, literally within the hour of my arrival, was buy a pair of pink antlers from my friend Nyssa. She makes THE most adorable things, truly. Go see her Etsy! But without a cosplay, I felt rather naked, so clearly antlers were in order!

I had been cosplaying a respectable, mature college graduate, with my blacks, browns and muted colors for most of the trip. My, was it refreshing to be in bright pink again! I got to visit my darlings from SCAD, and also played Cosplay Maid helping my friend Ginny and her crew get ready for their masq skit that night. I cut bangs, sewed buttons and pinned and snapped and generally attempted to make myself useful!

I was again, the official picture-taker. If I can't be in costume, I try to at least be the one taking photos! My friends are so fun to photograph. I sent Ginny off to do her skit, and curled up in my room with miss Lina (who was also there!) to read comics, watch movies and eat pizza. (First time I ever ordered pizza by myself, woohoo! I am lame.)

Soon Ginny came bursting in, trophy in hand, and much screaming was had. She had won best in show after many years of trying! It was pretty awesome. We ate cookie cake, lots of pizza, and, well. They drank. Lots. At some point in the night, Ginny returned, very excited that she had won measuring tape as a prize. Much, much fun was had. And the best part? I actually got to sleep in the bed instead of the floor!

Early morning brought more photos, laughter, hugs, cuddles, and nerdiness. Exactly the way I wanted to end my trip. Goodies in hand, I was popped back on the train to New York, and then to JFK, to fly home. Naturally, I passed out for about three days after that! And am still in recovery, and likely will continue to be! But it was a brilliant, amazing two weeks, and I can't think of a better way to crown it than with a fun, mellow con.

Thanks everyone, for making my New York adventure one I'll never forget!

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