Monday, June 14, 2010

A Spot of Tea, then?

Finally, a day to ourselves!I got up early in the morning to join my darling friend Lina at Alice's Teacup. Lina and I write together casually online, and she's one of the most brilliant people I've ever met. I must say she had me nailed when she chose the locale. I didn't bring any of my Lolita garments to wear, otherwise I would've dressed for the occasion! Instead I wore a purple embroidered frock, and she ended up wearing purple, too! We looked like a matching set!

While Alice's Teacup calls itself a cute location for children to have tea parties, it was quite sophisticated! We ordered a pot of Chocolate Thai Tea (I'm ashamed to say I'm still acquiring my taste for tea) and the most glorious slice of Buttercream Chocolate cake I've ever had. It was so rich I had to leave some of the icing behind, or I would have gotten sick!

Mmmmm. So. Good.

We then journeyed out to the Cloisters- I had meant to come here when I visited New York the first time, but I didn't really have the time then. It was a treat to see it this time! Lina and I got ourselves a bit lost in the park surrounding the Cloisters, but it was pleasant, save the rain that decided to pour on us! Thankfully I secured Lina in one of the garden cafes and went scrambling about the museum proper.I adore the symbolism and delicacy juxtaposed with the hard lines of Medieval Art. The reverence and ritual of something even as mundane as a spoon or a cup enchants me. It was a delight to see The Unicorn Tapestries in person! I had been introduced to the tapestries as a child in the opening sequence to The Last Unicorn. It was peaceful and quiet, a charming day indeed.

After a quick stop at my hotel to freshen a little, Lina treated me to French food! We were presented with an entire BASKET of fruit and a TREE of sausage. It was kind of amazing. I don't recall what I ordered, but I remember being tickled by the tower of sausage. Also, Lina is the most precious creature. This was the first time we had met, and she was just as precious and dear in person as she was online. I can only hope I was what she expected!

Today, Sequential Art week has begun! It was pleasant to be back with a herd of nerds who giggle about things like the spaces between panels. We visited Mickey Duzyj in the morning, after hiking through Brookyln under industrial refineries. I was deemed as the class photographer, so I took lots of shots. Mickey had lots of interesting things- he was primarily an illustrator, but his comics had a delicious vintage feel to them. He also introduced us to the Gocco printer, which I believe a good number of us put on our Christmas lists when we got home!
Rebekah Isaacs, a SCAD Grad, also graciously let us into her home. She works for WildStorm now, and let us manhandle her gorgeous pages, and lavish attention on her cat, Fantastic Donut. She had been discovered through NYCC, and I really hope I can attend NYCC at one point. Her pages were so delicately detailed, and I'm really, really eager to read her new piece she's working on. It's a secret!

After our visit, we went to the first of (many) comic shop visits! Now. I somehow hadn't gotten to Strand, or any of the other major bookstores in New York. So, I picked up masses of books. Among my spoils was 'Sky Doll,' and several of Naomi Nowak's books, Graylight and House of Clay. They're very beautiful, if a bit hard to understand. I think the delight of going to a comic shop here is, they're large, and they offer great small, independent books!

Tonight I joined Lina again for Okonomoyaki (which is NOT what I thought it was, embarrassment) in Astor Place. I covered her in cuddles and snuggles for good luck and sent her off to a night Skype session with an employer. St Mark's Square was not too far away, and I picked up another fistful of Hi-Chews and scurried to St. Mark's Comics looking for more Sky Doll. Unfortunately, there wasn't any. However, the young lady who worked there graciously took time out of her shift to help me find some titles she thought I would like. I picked up a whole armload! Madam Xanadu:Disenchanted and Exodus Noir, and Batgirl Year One, for extra Barbara Gordon Adorableness.And now, more M&Ms and delightful comics!

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