Sunday, May 23, 2010

Right to the very heart of it!

(image from i-heart)
Goodness, goodness, where have I been? Well, quite busy, as the quarter and the year draws to a close. But it's not over yet!

I guess I can fess up now... A few people already know, since I've talked about it in person and here and there on Twitter, but I haven't really owned up to it online. I guess I just thought it would slip through my fingers if I said it out loud.

Right after school lets out, I'm going to New York City for two weeks.

A lot of planning is going into it still, so I can't say any details. Just that I'll be taking classes there with SCAD, and meeting some awesome people in the Illustration and Sequential Art industry!

Sylvana will be going with me both as a plotbunny and also as a doll. I can't wait to take pictures of her in central park! I think I've found a story for her to work with... After all, what's a fawn lost in a big city to do?

I'm thrilled and nervous all at once! Taking these classes means that I'll only have one quarter left at SCAD. More or less, I come home for Thanksgiving and don't go back. And that's it for college. I'm a graduate. It's extremely nerve wracking. I have a lot of work ahead; Several reviews of my porfolio say I need to find my voice- that I'm on the cusp of discovering what would make me unique, but I'm not there yet. I hope with their insight I can find a voice that makes me, me!

Further... In December, I'll be in Paris for about two weeks before Christmas. My mom and I are writing something together that's set there, and we need reference and research.

So, two of the biggest art cities in the world in the span of six months. I'm just... I'm extremely, extremely grateful I have the opportunity to visit this sister cities in art!

I'll be using Pink Like Me as my NYC blog, so (I swear, for reals) I'll be probably updating more while I'm there. I should fire up a blogger app on my iPhone or something!


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