Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It lives!

It's easily been pretty much over two months since I've posted… Sorry about that. Let me give you a recap of most of those two months:

I was either
A) Sick
B) Freaking out
C) Crying.

Perhaps I'm exaggerating. But I'll tell you what, being (woefully) unemployed has very few advantages, not the least of which is roaming around theoretically with lots of time on your hands, but spending it looking for work. As I've figured out being friendly, energetic and cheerful, then being sent home rejected and crying does nothing… I decided it's time to man up, pull myself back together and figure this thing out. Somehow. Um.

It was my 22nd(woah.) birthday! Annie's birthday is just a few days from mine, so we had a joint birthday party. I think my favorite gift was my two plants, Herbert and Bertie.

We held it at "Dolls on the Mount"- A tearoom just outside Melbourne. Annie did a nice, in-depth report here.

There was also a legendary Melbourne Cosplay meet. I'm trying to get myself used to photographs, but I don't think I'll ever get the hang of it. Since I had to leave my cosplays behind and can't afford any new ones, I cobbled together some kind of bizarre Mori-outfit for the shoot with my antlers.

There were also fancy events I attended in which I somehow look like a derpy cheshire cat (according to my mom.) Thanks to Sam over at Reclog for all of these photos! She's incredible.

In the wake of the tragedy in Japan, Annay and I trekked out in cosplay and normal-clothes to raise money for the Red Cross. It was freezing, which is probably what got me sick in the first place.

Since I've been pounding the pavement (when I haven't been puking), looking for work, it's left me suspiciously unable to draw much, but I've kept up my practicing!, I promise!
I find I either like very noodly, spindly shapes on figures, or cute, chubby fat ones. What does it meaaaan.And, here's an art piece I did for the cool guys over at All Star Comics Melbourne. They wanted some girlier designs, but not lose the edge and careful design they have for the whole brand.

Alright, everyone take care! I'm out!

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